Metal Materials Mechanical Testing Items and Testing Machines

Metal Materials Mechanical Testing Items and Testing Machines

The use of metals and alloys like cast iron, baja, stainless steel and alloy steel has been a part of our human history for ages. In recent years, even though the demand for nonferrous metals and new non-metallic materials has increased dramatically, world metal and alloy production and use have risen steeply as well, and are still the mainstay of manufacturing. Along with the dramatic rise in usage, the safety and reliability requirements for these products have also increased.

90% of the materials in machinery equipment are made of metal. Inappropriate selection or improper use of metal will cause the premature failure of the material, in serious major, accidents may even occur. As a key part of quality control in machinery industry, it becomes more and more important to test the related raw materials, semi-finished or finished products before being used.

VTS brand testing machines offer comprehensive testing solutions for metal materialsmechanical property test. The main testing machines include Mesin Pengujian Universal Elektromekanis, Mesin Pengujian Universal Hidrolik, Computerized Servo Hydraulic UTM, Mesin Pengujian Dampak Charpy, Mesin Uji Lentur, Mesin Uji Torsi, Penguji Kekerasan, Mesin Uji Bekam, dll.

The testing items includes:

Tensile Strength
Compressive strength
Bending strength
Shearing strength
Elongation Percentage
Charpy Impact test
Torsion strength
Proof strength
Weld testing
Fastener testing
HR, HB, HV, hardness
Relaxation test
Creep test
Cupping Erichsen

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Produsen Peralatan Pengujian Profesional
Tambah: Tidak. 2-9 Jalan Qilihe, Distrik Licheng, Jinan, Shandong, Cina.
Kode Pos: 250100
Tel: +86-531-68656375 Telepon selular & Ada yang: +86-15905419218