GW-40D Steel Bar Mesin Pengujian Bending Vertikal

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GW-40D Steel Bar Mesin Pengujian Bending Vertikal

(Vertical loading & Horizontal loading, perfect 180° bending)

Aplikasi & Fitur:

This hydraulic bend testing machine can be used to do bending test for steel bar, Rebar, round bar, metal sheets, dll. It adopts two direction loading, one is vertical direction loading, the other is horizontal direction loading. Firstly, the vertical oil cylinder goes from up to down, bend the specimen to cold formation. Then the two sides horizontal oil cylinder starts to work, making specimen bending over surplus. After unloading bending angle is 180°.

Ini sesuai dengan ASTM A615, Iso 7438, etc international testing standard.

Carbon steel bars for concrete reinforcement in cut lengths will withstand bending around the pin without cracking on the outside radius.


Spesifikasi Teknis Utama:

Pola GW-40D- 200 / GW-40D-300
Maks. kekuatan uji 200Kn / 300Kn
Vertical cylinder stroke 215Mm
Horizontal cylinder stroke 200Mm
Kisaran diameter batang baja tikungan Φ5- Φ40mm
Range of bend platen sheet thickness (5-40) ×40mm
Catu daya motor 3-fase, 380V±10%, 50Hz, 3Kw
Dimensi Mesin Host


Berat mesin Host 1350Kg


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Video untuk mesin Pengujian Rebar Cold Bending

Video untuk mesin Pengujian Rebar Cold Bending

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