HRM-45DT Penguji Kekerasan Rockwell Superfisial Bermotor

HRM-45DT Penguji Kekerasan Rockwell Superfisial Bermotor

Penguji Kekerasan Rockwell Superfisial Bermotor

Pola: HRM-45DT

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HRM-45DT Penguji Kekerasan Rockwell Superfisial Bermotor


HRM-45DT is an effective motorized superficial Rockwell testing machine with high accuracy, Keandalan dan daya tahan. It is applied at workshops and measurement department for determining the superficial Rockwell hardness of the ferrous and non-ferrous metals.


Spesifikasi teknis

Timbangan Rockwell HR15N, HR30N, HR45N, HR15T, HR30T, HR45T
Kekuatan Uji Awal 3Kgf (29.42N)
Uji Kekuatan 15Kgf (141.7N), 30Kgf (294.2N), 45Kgf (441.3N)
Waktu Tinggal 1-60 detik yang dapat disesuaikan
Indikasi kekerasan Tampilan Analog
Kontrol Pemuatan Motorized
Tinggi Maks Spesimen 175Mm
Instrumen Tenggorokan 165Mm
Standar Eksekusi GB/T230.2, JIG112, EN-ISO6508, ASTM E-18
Dimensi Keseluruhan 520×215 ×700mm
Berat Bersih 73Kg

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