자유 낙하 다트 충격 시험기

자유 낙하 다트 충격 시험기

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자유 낙하 다트 충격 시험기

응용 프로그램:

Free-Falling Dart Impact Tester for plastic film, sheet at a given degree of freedom dart impact, the determination of the mass and energy impact damage when the specimen. Free falling dart impact test machine adopts microcomputer control, automatic calculation of the sample and describe the impact of high impact energy curve, the sample holder with double cylinder clamp, holding stable and reliable, with dual foot switch operation, so that the whole process becomes simple experiment convenient, widely used in quality inspection agencies, packaging producers and other units.


ISO 7765-1, ASTM D1709, JIS K7124-1

기술적 인 매개 변수:

Measurement Method Method A; Method B
테스트 범위 Method A:50-2000g; Method B 300-2000g
Sample Clamp 공 압
Sample Dimension >150*150밀리미터
차원 Method A: 480mm×470mm×1470mm

Method B: 480mm×470mm×2160mm

N.W (뉴더블웨어). 70kg


자세한 내용, 저희에게 연락하십시오: sales@victorytest.com

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